Course Reference: Supervisor2024/41
Course Title: Supervisors (2024)
Course Type: Supervisor
- Before submitting their application trainees must complete the short Moodle course ‘Getting the Most out of Supervision’ (please email so that you can be added to the Moodle course, and for more details)
- Trainees must be qualified to either Supporter or Helpline Supporter level or be currently undertaking Supporter/Helpline Supporter training
- Interest in applying for contracts in the area specified and nationally as appropriate
- Recent experience as an active BfN volunteer
- It is expected that applicants will have volunteering/working experience that covers 12 months, to include a minimum of 12 active sessions speaking and working with mothers directly.
Number of places available: 18
Course start date: 06/03/2024
Course end date: 02/07/2024 (approx)
Day and time of sessions: Wednesdays 7pm to 9pm (Zoom calls to take place on alternate Wednesdays with other work completed in between sessions)
Duration: Approximately 4 months. There will be 7 Zoom sessions (2 hours per session) and 1 in person full day session in Birmingham. Other work, including assignments and group work, will take place in between the taught Zoom sessions and work to be submitted electronically.
Assignments to be completed by: 25/06/2024 approx
Course venue: Online using Zoom plus one in person day in Birmingham (reasonable travel expenses, agreed in advance, will be reimbursed in line with BfN Expenses Policy)
Closing date for applications: 13/02/2024
Proposed interview date (if applicable): Interviews to take place on Tuesday 20th February or Wednesday 21st February (via Zoom)
DBS/PVG required: Yes (BfN will arrange re-checks if required at no cost to volunteers)
Course information:
We are looking to recruit trainees who are interested in training to becoming BfN Supervisors. Supervisors play an essential role in ensuring that our paid peer supporters and volunteers feel valued and supported, are able to maintain their registration and are up to date with current evidence, practice and policies.
Priority for places will be given to those from minority ethnic backgrounds, active volunteers on the National Breastfeeding Helpline, and those who are from/can actively offer supervision in person in the following areas:
Sandwell, Telford, Stoke on Trent, Forth Valley, Ayrshire, Western Isles, Midlothian, Glasgow Portsmouth, Dorset, Sutton and St Helier, Greenwich, Lewisham, Southwark, Haringey, Islington and Tower Hamlets.
How to apply:
If you are interested in being considered for this position please complete the online application form found at the link below.
- Application Form
- Supervisor Role Description:
- Supervisor Training Information Document 2024:
- Guide to Reflective Writing:
If you have any questions about the course, voluntary role or application process, please email or telephone our Central Support team on 0844 412 0995.