It’s been an unforgettable year for the Breastfeeding Network, with record breaking numbers of mothers and parents supported on the National Breastfeeding Helpline and by our peer supporters across England, Wales and Scotland, who have adapted to supporting new parents and families online. The way the charity has responded under pressure and to the challenges has been truly amazing. So I am thrilled to be sharing yet another success on top of this….
In April this year, just over a year from the first lockdown, BfN achieved the Good Governance Award!
Under the guidance of the BfN Board, we started the journey of reviewing our governance practice many years ago. But we only felt able to formalise a process for seeking external review for BfN in late 2019, when Ann Kerr (BfN Chair) spotted details on the Good Governance Award at a training event for charities in Scotland. Good governance is fundamental to a charity’s success. It enables and supports a charity’s compliance with the law and relevant regulations. It also promotes a culture in which everything works towards fulfilling the charity’s vision.
The Good Governance Award is the Quality Standard for Scottish charities, recommended by OSCR. The Award supports and celebrates governance best practice, recognising the importance of good management to the efficacy and efficiency of Scottish Charities. Dundee Voluntary Action developed the Award, and Chief Executive Shereen Fisher said, “We know that BfN is well thought of for its breastfeeding information and support by Mothers, Parents and Families, but we can also now show parents and families and the wider public that we are well-run and well-governed – this will bring a new layer of trust and confidence”.
What was the process?
The Board of Trustees and the Central team have spent the last eighteen months following a clear, structured approach to assessing and improving the charity’s policies and procedures. The charity has looked closely at the following areas to compile an eportfolio which evidences competency and best practice in:
- Charitable Status
- Trustees
- Planning, Delivering, & Monitoring
- Recruitment
- Managing Staff & Volunteers
- Managing Finances
- Managing Resources
- Marketing & Communications
Completion of the award provides proof that BfN is actively engaging in excellent governance through our Award Certification. It adds value and enables us to build a sustainable, better future for all of the families that we support. BfN have been awarded three years of Good Governance Award status and will be involved in a forum to support re-assessment.
For further information, email
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