Vacancy Reference: BfN202/48
Job Title: Supervisor
Salary: £16.71 plus £2.42 RUHP
Number of Posts: 1
Type of Contract: Fixed Term Annualised
Start Date: 21/10/2024
Hours of Work: 15 (total)
Working Pattern: To deliver one face to face, day-time, supervision session each month. To deliver six 1.5 hour supervision session, plus planning and admin time.
Work Location: Venue to be decided by recruited supervisor – within Midlothian
Responsible to: Service Manager
Closing Date: 08/10/2024
Proposed Interview Date: w/b 14/10/2024
Job Information: We are looking to recruit a supervisor to deliver face to face sessions in Midlothian, in addition to the current online provision for volunteers in the area.
How to apply:
If you are interested in being considered for this position please complete an application form and send this as a word document to
If you have any questions about the job roles or the application process, please email or phone our HR team on 0844 412 0995