Many of you may be saddened or feeling unsettled at the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth ll.
During the period of national mourning, mothers and families will continue to need support – perhaps more now than previously, as times of national grief and uncertainty can heighten individual anxieties and grief. BfN will continue to work as normal in this period.
That said, as an organisation, we ask our volunteers to extend the same care to themselves that they would extend to mothers and families that they support. As such, there may be instances where fewer volunteers feel capable of supporting families as they themselves come to terms with events.
Additionally, the venues of face-to-face groups may be used at short notice for events relating to the period of national mourning, leaving us unable to run those sessions. Temporary closures should be noted on the local project’s social media pages: in the event that parents need support, and are unable to attend a group, we would direct them to the National Breastfeeding Helpline’s telephone and webchat service: https://www.nationalbreastfeedinghelpline.org.uk/ or 0300 100 0212.