We would like to see all children and young people learning about breastfeeding and early nutrition at school so that they have the information they need about their bodies years before they become parents. Working with school age children helps open up space to start conversations at home and help normalise breastfeeding in the wider community.
Although the plans were developed for use in Scotland and link to the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, the National Curriculum in England includes many similar topics, for example the Science curriculum includes learning about mammals, nutrition through the life stages and puberty and the Design and Technology curriculum: cooking and nutrition topic includes learning about healthy diets and where food comes from, all of which could include mention of breastfeeding.
These lesson plans are freely available to support this work – we only ask that the resources are not used for any commercial purpose and that BfN is acknowledged as part of your work.
Further information on why education about breastfeeding is so vital for children and young people http://theconversation.com/does-breastfeeding-really-belong-on-the-school-curriculum-96740
You can find out more about the project on the QNIS website www.qnis.org.uk/project/working-with-children-and-young-people-a-community-approach-to-understanding-and-valuing-breastfeeding-and-early-nutrition/
There is also a poster about this work that was shared at the NHS Health Scotland event in Glasgow at the end of May 2019.