Home-Start HOST work in partnership with the Breastfeeding Network to offer support in Tameside & Oldham. We provide information and support to help parents make informed choices around feeding their baby.
We will support you for as long as you feel you need it, from establishing breastfeeding with a new baby to any questions you may have at any point on your breastfeeding journey. We can also give information about formula feeding and mixed feeding.
We offer:
- Support at ante-natal and baby weighing clinics.
- Support on the ward at Tameside General Hospital
- One-to-one support for as long as you need, through visits and ‘phone calls
- Peer Support Groups held at Children’s Centres and other community locations
- Partnership working with midwives and health professionals to provide a seamless pathway of care
For more details about our feeding support groups &/or 1-2-1 support, please phone 07802883947 (7 days a week 9am-6pm)