Course Reference: Supporter2025/47
Course Title: Supporters (Pan Projects – Birmingham/Sandwell)
Course Type: Full Supporters course
Number of places available: 2 (1 each for Birmingham and Sandwell)
Course start date: TBC – hope to start Thursday 27th Feb with fortnightly sessions running from then
Course end date: 17/07/2025
Day and time of sessions: Thursday mornings 10am-12noon (to be confirmed)
Duration: 14 Full Supporter sessions and online work via BfN training site
Assignments to be completed by: 24/07/2025
Course venue: Online (Zoom and via BfN training site)
Closing date for applications: 07/01/2025 (extended from 17/12/2024)
Proposed interview date (if applicable): Tuesday 14th (time TBC asap) and Wed 15th at 10am – can candidates please make a note of these dates and keep them clear
DBS/PVG required: Yes (BfN will arrange this at no cost to volunteers)
Course information:
There are 10 places available for active Helpers from the following service areas which have funding available:
- Birmingham 389
- Sandwell 431
If you are not sure which area your service sits under please speak to your Volunteer Coordinator or Service Lead.
All candidates must be active Helpers within their local service and will need to ask their Supervisor for a reference so please speak to your Supervisor in advance.
How to apply:
If you are interested in being considered for this position please complete the online application form found at the link below.
If you have any questions about the course, voluntary role or application process, please email or telephone our Central Support team on 0844 412 0995.